Divorce and finances

Important considerations that can help reduce your divorce costs
Divorce can have a great impact on your finances. Be sure you take into consideration the many factors that contribute to the cost of a divorce.

Understand the differences between alimony and child support
Divorce may end your marriage, but it doesn't always end the financial ties to each other.

Steps to assist in managing finances after your divorce
Learning how to manage money after a divorce can be challenging. Follow some important steps to create a budget for yourself and secure your financial plan for the future.

Preparing for divorce checklist
One factor that may get overlooked is the financial impact. Between legal fees and changes to the housing budget, getting your finances organized is an important first step.

Financial mistakes to avoid when getting divorced
Divorce can be difficult, and the financial ramifications can have lasting impact. It’s important to be aware of common financial mistakes.

Life insurance after divorce
After divorce, you may need to update your life insurance policy or even buy a new one to insure income protection for child support or alimony.

Can I get life insurance on my ex-husband or wife?
Even if you’re not married, you or your child may depend on a former spouse financially. In this case, it’s important to understand insurable interest.