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Man on computer tablet researching and choosing a life insurance company.
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Choosing a life insurance company

It’s important to choose a company that offers great customer service and coverage you can count on. Read the articles in this section to help guide your decision.
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Two business women discussing life insurance company ratings
Choosing a life insurance company

Life insurance company ratings: Why they matter

When shopping for life insurance, look at a company’s financial strength from multiple rating agencies for an indication of their ability to pay future claims.

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A Protective Life insurance agent walking a customer through how Protective calculated their insurance needs.
Choosing a life insurance company

Our life insurance needs calculator explained

Predicting your future income and savings needs is not an easy task. When Protective created our life insurance calculator, we looked at government websites, inflation trends and national averages, and then used the best information we could find to set rates and reference points for our calculations.

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African American man writing something down as he researches an important topic on the internet.
Choosing a life insurance company

Shopping for a life insurance company

Shopping for life insurance with existing health issues can be a bit tricky but not impossible. Protective shares some considerations.

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Young family at home spending quality time together and laughing.
Choosing a life insurance company

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Research shows that 3 in 10 American households are putting their financial future at risk by not having life insurance. We hope to change this by providing the information you need to make decisions.

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Healthy 40-something man runs down stairs and would probably qualify for a healthy life insurance rating.
Choosing a life insurance company

Life insurance health and risk ratings explained

The results of your underwriting process ultimately determine your rate class and premium.

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Young woman professionally dressed taking notes while on the phone.
Choosing a life insurance company

3 considerations when shopping online for life insurance quotes

If you're searching the Internet for life insurance, there are a few things to keep in mind as you evaluate your options.

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Family on a couch in their living room looking at a tablet to research life insurance companies.
Choosing a life insurance company

4 ways to select a reliable life insurance company

When it comes to choosing a life insurance policy, it can be easy to get confused. Focus on fundamentals like financial solvency, the policy's terms and information provided by your state's Department of Insurance to ensure you make the right choice.

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