While the thought of having to pay for someone to help you with every day tasks isn’t ideal or predictable, it’s something to take into consideration with planning yours or your loved one’s finances.
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Caring for aging parents
Caring for elderly and aging parents
Whether due to new or pre-existing health conditions, an emergency, or simply a change of circumstances, caring for elderly parents marks an important shift in your relationship.

Caring for aging parents
Financial checklist for aging parents
Are you one of the one in seven adults in the U.S. helping take care of an aging parent?

Caring for aging parents
Infographic: Surviving the sandwich generation
Members of the sandwich generation have a lot on their plates between raising children and caring for aging parents.

Caring for aging parents
Understanding hospice: myths, realities and costs
Each year, millions of families face a difficult decision: How do you best care for a loved who is nearing the end of their life? Many turn to hospice care.

Caring for aging parents
How to protect your loved ones from elder financial abuse
Elders are a prime target audience for scammers. Learn how to protect your loved ones from elderly financial abuse. Planning ahead is the first step.